Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Planned Parenthood Aims to Mentally Violate Our 10-Year Olds

Yes, indeed!  Planned Parenthood wantst to make mandatory the teaching of our elementary-school children "The Pleasures of Sex".  Please look at the Fox News clip below.

You do notice the emphasis on the "pleasure" part, don't you?  Bear in mind that all these atheist/progressive types have been whining that if there isn't sex education in schools, then kids won't be aware of pregnancy, std's, etc.  Well, those sound like "risks" of sex outside of marriage to me.  However, now they want to emphasize the "pleasures" of sex to young children who have no business engaging in sex - with no mention of the very real perils!  So why titillate the children in this fashion?  Stay with me here!

Do you recall Saturday's post about Duchy Tractenberg trying to foist more abortion mills on Montgomery County - with our tax dollars?  Do you recall that this recomendation came from a "kangaroo-court" panel comprised in part by Planned Parenthood personnel?  Are the dots now being connected?

I'll now make the dots explicit here.  Planned Parenthood and their cronies know damned well that this "Pleasures of Sex" poison will only serve to make kids curious about sex and desirous of the "pleasures".  That increases the likelihood of them engaging in sex - and thus be inquiring after Planned Parenthood's other "services" (disservices might be more accurate), such as contraception and abortion.  So naturally in Montgomery County (and elsewhere) they need more "women's health centers" to take advantage of the increase in "business".   Can we all say, "ka-ching!  ka-ching!" as the Planned Parenthood coffers fill with blood money that comes from your tax dollars?

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